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Is there a way to know how long it takes for an approver to authorize?


Hello @Israel de la Cruz 

You can create a quick report from posting_proposal_auth view. I created a sample report for you


select as "COMPANY",
ifsapp.supplier_info_api.get_name(ifsapp.invoice_api.get_identity(,p.invoice_id)) as "SUPPLIER ID",
ifsapp.invoice_api.get_identity(,p.invoice_id) as "SUPPLIER NAME",
ifsapp.invoice_api.get_invoice_no(,p.invoice_id) as "INVOICE NO",
p.authorizer_id as "AUTHORIZER",
p.user_id as "AUTHORIZED BY",
p.date_created as "CREATED",
p.change_date as"AUTHORIZED",
round(p.change_date-p.date_created, 0) as"DIFF DAYS"

from ifsapp.POSTING_PROPOSAL_AUTH p where like '&COMPANY' and p.AUTHORIZER_ID like '&AUTHORIZER' and p.objstate = 'Authorized'

