I am trying to pass the following search criteria to a custom menu but the results is only giving me 1 record not the 5 as expected.
My custom menu is as follows :
select msi.Identity , msi.Invoice_no, dr.doc_class, dr.doc_no, dr.doc_rev, dr.doc_sheet, edm.file_data, edm.doc_type
from ifsapp.Man_Supp_Invoice msi Left Outer Join ifsapp.doc_reference_object dr On dr.Lu_Name='ManSuppInvoice' and dr.key_ref = 'COMPANY='||company||'^INVOICE_ID='||invoice_id||'^'
Inner join ifsapp.edm_file_storage edm On edm.DOC_CLASS= dr.doc_class and edm.DOC_NO = dr.doc_no and edm.dOC_SHEET=dr.doc_sheet and edm.DOC_REV=dr.doc_rev
where msi.identity= Nvl(:i_hWndFrame.frmManualSupplierInvoice_Ext.cmbsIdentity ,'%')
and invoice_date >= to_date(:i_hWndFrame.frmManualSupplierInvoice_Ext.dfdInvoiceDate , 'DD/MM/YYYY')
and invoice_no = Nvl(:i_hWndFrame.frmManualSupplierInvoice_Ext.dfsInvoiceNo ,'%')
and project_id = Nvl(:i_hWndFrame.frmManualSupplierInvoice_Ext.dfsProjectId ,'%') ;
Can anyone help identify what the problem is please ?