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Have a parked customer payment that is causing an issue


How can this be cancelled?

Hi @SMcLees,

Below community post might be helpful in getting a solution to your problem. Let me if you have any access issues to the Community post.

Kind regards,


You should have alraedy craeted a cash transcation aginst this parked payment regradless it was craeted in directly or indirectly. ( as a result of payment cancelation or whatever...)

Find that cash acoount where you debited or credited the original entery.

Then simply make a payment for the parked payment. That is how you can cancel/revese all the entries related to a parked payment.

Parked Payment Creation :

Cash   Dr.

Cust Parked Pay( Liabilty)     Cr.


Payment of Parked Payment:

Cust Parked Payment  Dr.

Cash    Cr.


It is so simple when you know the fundamentals.


Best regards,


