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Milestone/Staged payment issue in purchase order:

  • 24 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone,

I got an issue and I would like to know if someone here faced it and got a solution.

The issue concerns the value in “Stage Payment” column which is always “0” when we use “CLP” currency in our purchase order.


In that column, we can edit the percentage, but we have to click twice on “Save” button in order to update our milestone payment information. when we click on “save” button, this is what happen:

  • First time, all the stage amounts are updated according to the percentages we set but the buttons “Save” and “Cancel edit” don’t disappear.
  • Second time, the buttons “Save” and “Cancel edit” disappear, all the values in “Stage Payment (%)” column change to “0”, all the stage amounts remain the same.


But when we change and use “USD” currency, we don’t have that issue.


it seems that maybe the cause of this issue could lies in the configuration of the “Currency codes” (USD and CLP) in the “No of Decimals in Amount” column.



1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Investigation done in Support case and solution provided:

After the Aurena conversion Stage Payment Percentage in Milestone/Staged Payment window is calculating and populating through a separate method. In this method calculation only doing if currency rounding is not null and not zero. So if the currency code setup with zero no of decimals Stage Payment Percentage always set to zero.
Then, the method for calculation is being currently fixed but, unfortunately, there is no more workarounds than setting the currency code setup with 2 decimals until the fix is applied.

Fix has already been completed and tested and will be available in the following versions:
IFS Fixed Version: 22.2.21 - 22R2 SU21, 23.1.14 - 23R1 SU14, 23.2.7 - 23R2 SU7, 24.1.1 - 24R1 SU1, 24.2E.0 - 24R2 EA
