We have 2 MCPR transactions on which we are unable to transfer cost to customer company. When we create new transactions and transfer the cost on that projects everthing works fine.
Only 2 transactions are stuck. We compared with other transactions which are working fine, everything looks fine with transactions in error. Still it gives error in background job as “Notice the background job has ended with an Error “No transactions to create cost accounting for ORA-20110: PrelInvoicePosting.NOACCTRANS”
What can be the reason for it? Is it a bug?
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Hi @pratik.b.shah,
As a first step I would suggest checking that the customer company transactions have valid postings and that they have been approved.
Hope this helps?
Kind regards,
Yes, it has valid postings and approved too. We have every checkpoints. It is working fine
OK. Next thing I’d check is that there is a value for the Internal Amount (i.e. not zero), and that the Create Cost Accounting column is set to Yes.
Could you please also let us know the value of the Multi-Company Revenue Reporting Method on the corresponding Employee Project?
Hi Johan - Internal Amount have value, Create Costing Accounting is also set to “Yes” and Employee Project shows following:
Hi @pratik.b.shah,
As you are using the Voucher Revenue Reporting Method, costs are transferred using the ‘Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions’ function. This will post revenue in the employee company and cost in the customer company.
Could you please confirm that you are using this function (rather than the regular ‘Transfer Project Cost Accounting Transactions’ function)?
Kind regards,
Hi Johan - Yes, we are using Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions function.
Hi @pratik.b.shah,
OK, thanks for the info. I can’t think of any other general items to check, and the specific data will probably have to be reviewed, so the best way forward would be to report a support issue for it.
Kind regards,
Ok Johan, Thanks for support. We are raising an IFS case for it.
Hi Pratik,
I have similar issue, I found your thread and got to the bottom and wondered what needed to be done to resolve?
The only difference to the issue I have is that the Revenue Reporting method is Project Invoice:
Transactions have values, no errors, status valid, both companies transactions approved.
But can’t get the costs to appear in actuals on the customer facing project, sat in Used Cost.
hi @pratik.b.shah have you tried the ‘Update Invoice postings’ function in the project revenue posting RMB option ?
I know exactly what is wrong. You can recreate the issue by:
1: Making sure that code string in Employee Company is valid, but make sure there is something wrong in Customer Company (for instance Project Valid To before chosen voucher date)
2: Run Tranfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions. This will cause the Revenue postings to create MPR voucher in employee customer, but update project_trans_postings in customer company to show the error caused by the errourneous code string instead of creating D voucher
3: Now: fix the basic data error in the code string in customer company.
4: Run the transfer again. This causes the error text to dissapear and the status to be valid on the posting lines. But no D voucher created. Job ends with ‘NOACCTRANS: No transactions to create cost accounting for’
5: This is because prel_invoice_posting_api.transfer_mcpr_deferred__ is supposed to create employee- and customer postings in one go. It finds no transactions to post because it is restricted to find the transactions not yet posted in either company
Conclusion: If it does not run in the first try, then there is no way to fix it.
Work around with PLSQL access or custom menu: Run Project_Trans_Posting_ans.Create_Voucher on specific employee vouchers.
I wish for either a fix in prel_invoice_posting_api.transfer_mcpr_deferred__ or a way to rerun.
Thanks very much all sorted
Let me try this one and I will provide the confirmation
Can anyone advise if a solution to this issue was found, was it a bug or a setup issue. Thanks.