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To get material out of a warehouse with IFS Cloud and send it to an address normally a custom order is required. Does anybody know a way to deliver to an employee material out of a stock but without a custom order?

let say e.g. working boots


Thanks for reply

 @hgruben You can use a Material Requisition, which usually use pre-posting at the header or line level.

From the documentation:

Material requisitions are used for requesting material for internal demands, as opposed to customer orders that fulfill external demands.

Operations, like reserving, issuing, and returning material, are performed from the Material Requisition page. Detailed information about inventory part availability can easily be reached, which can be very useful before reserving parts, and pick lists, useful for the warehouse personnel, can be printed.

Material requisitions are used when internal demands can be fulfilled either by issuing material from inventory locations or by creating purchase requisitions. For example, when a salesman goes to visit a prospect customer and takes some samples of the product range, i.e., samples that might be returned or given away.

Dear Matt,

thanks for the answer. But how can I tell the warehouse staff to send a thing out of the warehouse to a certain address e,g, Person address of the employee. With IFS process is ths?

Thanks for reply

Some options:

Document Text in the header or line that would print on the Pick List Material Requisition document.

Notes in the header or line would be visible on the Requisition and Requisition Lines pages.

Create a Task connected to the Material Requisition header or line and assign it to a warehouse worker.

Dear Matt,

that sounds very interessting! we will try your recommdations!


