
Matching Supplier Invoice with PO

  • 25 February 2020
  • 15 replies

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At the moment, if we have a PO with multiple lines, when Finance receive an invoice, they manually enter the invoice against the PO number. IFS will then auto-match that invoice against any receipted line on the PO and if there are 10 lines, there is a 1 in 10 chance of it matching the right line. When it matches the wrong line, Finance have to manually correct it, by deleting the wrong match and finding the correct one. It works well when there is only 1 line, but we have started to look at consolidating reqs into fewer orders, which will create more work, not less for finance.

Ideally, we would want to enter the relevant PO Line # when the invoice is entered, so IFS knows what to match it to, but there is currently no option for that.

Does anyone have any experience of this and a solution?

We are using IFS Apps 8.



15 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi Shaun,


In APP9 and later version Manual Supplier invoice has the option to copy the Unreceived PO Lines or Unmatched PO Receipts. This will create a invoice line for each PO or Receipt line. The reference number will also get updated in the invoice lines and make sure the matching will be done accurately.


See the below screen print from Core APP10.


I believe this is the solution you are looking for.  This was a functional enhancement introduced with APP9 and I am afraid to say that it is not available in APP8.


 Shehan Almeida.

Userlevel 7
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I am not sure about your actual case, but perhaps setting matching level from PO header to Receipt Reference will help you? 

When you set on supplier PO matching level “Po Receipt”

you will be asked to provide PO number and receipt ref at invoice entry (from List of Values).

receipt references are created on Receipt, there’s dedicated field there. They are mandatory when PO Receipt is set as matching level.

Userlevel 5
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@Adam Bereda Thanks for response. 

Our suppliers are setup with PO Receipt already it appears. 

The 3 field values are:

PO Header

PO Receipt

PO Line

IFS Help doesn't seem to give a clear explanation of what the 3 values do and the system affects. 

Do you happen to know what each are meant to do? 

Could PO Line be the answer?


Userlevel 7
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We are talking about process now. 

When your business is doing PO receipt, what do they know? Do they have invoice number? If so, they can enter it as receipt reference, so when Finance is registering an invoice received, they could select PO (most probably printed on the invoice) AND receipt reference (guessing from invoice number on LOV - it is filtered by PO number given). Then system will auto-match correct receipt(s) only. So if you have receipt reference enabled already by “PO Receipt” setup on supplier, please pay attention to what business is entering in receipt reference field on PO Receipt and how this information could be used by Finance at invoice entry. Most probably you will be able to find common information eliminating wrong auto-matching.

Basically, matching levels on supplier is affecting matching process:

  • when “PO header” is selected, “Receipt reference” is grayed-out on invoice and system is displaying all available receipts belonging to given PO (matching automatically as well as in manual matching dialog window)
  • when “PO Receipt” is selected, “Receipt reference” is enabled on invoice and system is displaying receipts matching recept reference given (matching automatically as well as in manual matching dialog window)
  • When PO Line is selected, PO number, line and release should be provided at invoice line level and matching is expected per invoice line, as far as I can tell. I have never used this option.

I hope it helps.


Adam Bereda 

Userlevel 5
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Good afternoon,

We are revisiting this area and trying to trial the 3 different options available in Apps 8. 

We setup 3 different suppliers with the 3 values set and created supplier invoice for POs.

We are using automatic 3-way matching; so upon save of the Manual Supplier Invoice behind the scenes IFS goes away and processes this. 

We cannot see how the functionality works for PO Line specifically; no obvious differences or options available. 

Does anyone using Apps 8 have any experience or knowledge of these 3 different options?

Understand this functionality has probably changed for the better in Apps 9 or 10.

Any guidance would be appreciated



Userlevel 7
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Hi Shaun,


In order to Line matching work you need to specify the Part number and the Quantity in the invoice line..


See the below image..


Then application will identify the and do the matching automatically.


Hope this helps.


Best Regards,

Shehan Almeida.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

@shallk Thanks for response. 

What if there is no part number to enter?

We tend to use a lot of ‘No Part Order Lines’ in our business whereby the description field holds the narrative to what is being purchased.

Our suppliers are currently setup with ‘PO Receipt’ PO Matching level; but we are looking at ways to improve efficiencies in finance when it comes to the invoice processing. 

Which is the recommended or best method to use out of the 3 available?



Userlevel 7
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Yes. For no part lines this will not work. Therefore, line level matching will not be the best for your case.


Therefore, it will have to be either PO or Receipt level matching.

Then again you will end up with the initial issue which you mentioned at the very beginning of this thread. As mentioned this is a limitation which can be found in previous versions such as APP8.


Userlevel 7
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I still believe that PO Receipt option is the best to resolve your original issue (multiple line PO and each line separately invoiced). Receipt reference is created on receipt and it can be unique to the invoice.

Userlevel 7
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@shallk and @Adam Bereda, I found this thread useful as I was reading to find an answer to a question I had. 

One question remains - We have a PO with a discount added as a minus charge line later after some of the lines were received. When I am matching the Supplier Invoice, Do I have to calculate the discount for the lines I match?



Userlevel 7
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Hi, Enzo,

Is charge line connected manually to PO line or you rely on system distribution? 

Charges connected to line manually are normally available for matching once line is received, provided they were created before receipt. In case of system distribution, I think you can match them independently, but I am not sure here.  

Userlevel 7
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We use the setting ‘Per Amount’ in the Charge line field Distribute Charge By

Userlevel 7
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OK, such charges are rather intended to be matched with single invoice for entire PO, not line by line.
Discounts and additional costs are handled normally at PO line itself, not as charge, unless they cannot be fixed by specific PO line or are invoiced by another vendor (like freight/transportation etc.).  

The way you match your invoice depends on the case/invoice content, in case of discounts handled as charge not connected to the particular line, you should match with charge discount allocated to matched lines, and you should calculate amount manually.   

Userlevel 7
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Thank You Adam

Userlevel 5
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And just as a reminder - you can calculate in the amount fields of the application directly e.g.

