Looking for Government Contractor Customers

  • 1 November 2022
  • 0 replies


Hi all! I’m new to the IFS community. My company is currently going through an implementation and we’re working through some uplift development work being done by IFS to better support as a government contractor. Specifically how to layer burden costs, retro burdening of costs when our indirect rate pools change, how to monitor actual rates from our target or provisional rates, how to bill on government contracts. This also includes how revenue works through this for various contract types - FFP, CPFF, T&M. We are project based and have several requirements to be considered compliant from a DCAA accounting system perspective. 

I’m wanting to connect to other government contractors who currently use IFS to discuss best practices you have worked through to help manage, bill, and report on your project costs. 

Please feel free to send me a message if you would like to connect. I would love to hear about your experiences and lessons learned as we work through our implementation.


Much appreciated!  

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