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Hi team,


To load a supplier payment into the Mixed Payment window using an external file template, I keep encountering an error: “ORA-20124: Error.NULLVALUE: Field lLOAD_ID] is mandatory for Ext Payment Item and requires a value.” I reviewed the External File column definitions but couldn't identify any column for the LOAD_ID.

In the External Payments window, I also tried manually entering a Load ID, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to load the file for that specific Load ID. Could you provide input on what I should correct to successfully create the supplier payment?




Thank you


Best Regards,



In a mixed payment, IFS has a number of different groups of data points / attributes.  To create a mixed payment, at a minimum you need data from the general tab, and the matching data. 

The noted file template (your csv) appears to have line (transactional) data only.   As a user you can’t simply enter new mixed payment transactions without the general data such as bank, MP id and other. 

As is, I don’t see how the noted file template can work.  

Either copy one of the system generated templates or use the function to create a template from the file type. 

Then as a user, enter a mixed payment and note the attributes you need to create and process a mixed payment.   Then create CSV based on the new template. Enter similar attribute and attribute values that were used in the user entered template. 


Best regards, 


@Thomas Peterson -Thanks Thomas the issue was resolved once i add header details to the file and external file template control.











