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Hi Friends,


I am trying to load external supplier invoice and getting below error

Error :  Invalid Date Format Transaction Date, should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

In file date format is YYYY-MM-DD

external file Template date format is  YYYY-MM-DD

 Still getting issue kindly help



You have to remove that first row with the titles of the columns (only for guide at the beggining)

You have to load a file with only the values.

Try to load it without that row 😉


If that solves the error, please mark the answer as best answer so others can find a solution 😊



Thank you its working 🤣


A better process in the external; file template is to use the external file template control where you can skip or satisfy such that IFS only considers true data. 

Per your example - you can have a control rule where IFS would skip records when the first column has a value line type.  It needs an exact match meaning pay attention to case.  Several samples exist see the STDSIN2 template.   

In cloud see the external file template (details) then the input tab and see the option for external file template control.  In this example only records where the first column (1) has a control string of A (value = A) will be loaded as this is a satisfy. If that was a skip condition, then all rows with an A in the first column would be skipped. Like a header. 

Depending on the use case, I use the skip record process on nearly every template. 


Best regards. 

