Ok after some investigation I found out that the Regime code = statistical procedure in IFS
This is a dropdown box in the Intrastat line screen which it seems is ALWAYS set to ‘DELIVERY’
The corresponding codes are then mapped using this statistical procedure
In the ./invent/source/invent/database/IntrastatFrFile.plsql file and also the report print
the mapping is done to map the stati
195: IF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'DELIVERY' ) THEN 197: statistical_procedure_ := '11'; 199: statistical_procedure_ := '21'; 201: ELSIF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'BEFORE SUBCONTRACTING' ) THEN 203: statistical_procedure_ := '19'; 205: statistical_procedure_ := '29'; 207: ELSIF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'AFTER SUBCONTRACTING' ) THEN 209: statistical_procedure_ := '19'; 211: statistical_procedure_ := '29'; 213: ELSIF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'DECREASE' ) THEN 215: statistical_procedure_ := '25'; 217: ELSIF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'TRIANGULAR' ) THEN 219: statistical_procedure_ := '31'; 221: ELSIF (linerec_.statistical_procedure = 'INCREASE' ) THEN 223: statistical_procedure_ := '26'; 260: statistical_procedure_ || ';' ||
The question is now how is IFS implementing the DECREASE / INCREASE function? Is this something which has to be set manual? Or if a customer is doing a credit or correction invoice on a intrastat transaction, will IFS automatically generate an increase/decrease value for the statistical_procedure?
For what I could find, It seems the statistical_procedure is always set to DELIVERY ?
Could someone confirm this?