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I have a question about the bank statement import. 

I have a line of payment that is identified as “04” and a second line that give much details about this payment line identified as “05”

When I try to import a file with those 2 types of lines, IFS considers the line “05” as an independant line and I get errors.


Is there a way that IFS detects the line “05” as linked to the previous “04” line ?


Best regards.

Hi @Abdessamad 

I believe you are using external file templates for this purpose. In that case I would say to default your column number 5 to a default value. maybe to fetch the same value as column number 4 using external file templates detail function.


Let me know if you need further clarifications.

Hello @Dharshankumaar Mahendran;


Exactly I am using external file.


Can you give me more information about this setup ?


Best regards.


Hi @Abdessamad 

In the external file template you can use details functions to define the function


And you can define a function like below for the Column 5 so it would take the value from column 4 always  


Hi @Dharshankumaar Mahendran 

In my external file template I have only one column for the amount.

Hi @Abdessamad 

Check you external file type definition and you would be able to add a coloumn

The problem is i’m using the french stdbank as a template and there’s only the colum “Amount” in this template.


The “Dom amount” and “Cur Amount” does not exist

Hi @Abdessamad ,


Please share you external file type screen shot

Hi @Abdessamad 

Dom amount and curr amount is just a screen shot reference and it does not need to exactly the same in your case


Yes i got, I tried to use it.


But The problem is that in the same position i have date for the line that starts with 04 

And a transaction info for the line that starts with 05.


Hi @Abdessamad 

Column no in external file  template can be re arranged to fit your requirements in the file

Hi @Dharshankumaar Mahendran


Will IFS understand that the 2 lines 04 and 05 refer to the same transaction ?

Best regards
