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IFS Cloud to HSBC Bank - Supplier Payment file Upload issue (Connectivity failed)

  • 9 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

We are trying to send supplier payment output file to HSBC SFTP server folder. For this we are using SSH method to connect SFTP folder.

We have developed one transformer as per HSBC payment file specification. Supplier payment file produced by customised transformer is already validated by HSBC Bank


We are getting following error message while sending file from IFS to HSBC



ExecutionException from Sender thread

Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Error during file sending

Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException: User CT000027985_28244 is not allowed to execute this SFTP command because of policy  HSBC_SFTP_IBOB_CMD_LIMITING



Steps we have followed to establish SSH connection with HSBC server :


  1. We have generated Private & Public key from IFS
  2. Shared IFS Public key with HSBC
  3. HSBC confirmed that they have installed IFS public key
  4. HSBC shared their, HOST NAME / USER NAME / PORT NUMBER to connect SFTP folder
  5. We have generated KNOWNHOST file by using HSBC details (HOST NAME / USER ID / PORT NUMBER)
  6. Created IFS Sender and updated HSBC - HOST NAME / USER ID / PORT NUMBER
  7. Also updated IFS private key and known host file with IFS sender.


Does anyone knows about above mentioned error? Is there any issue in IFS setup or this problem is related to HSBC setup.





1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @Nitin Nagap ,

Please, check if this other Community post could help you:


