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In IFS 10 Aurena navigation Accounting Rules > User Related Data > User Groups per Period > User Groups per Period, there is an option to select multiple companies and click on Close Period button. However, in RACE database, I am unable to close periods for multiple companies with single click but ca do the same for individual companies. Also, I can’t find any online documentation/Page help for the same as well. We are currently using IFS 9 and planning to upgrade to IFS 10 in 2021. We have about 35 companies in our current environment and the Finance team is looking for an option to close period for All/multiple companies with a single click and be able to see any exceptions/errors for all selected companies. Kindly point me to the relevant documentation for IFS 10 so I can explore the available options. Thanks.

  • Accounting Rules
  • User Related Data
  • User Groups per Period
  • User Groups per Period

Although I am not too familiar with the product I am trying to assist you on the documentations.
For Accounting Rules (ACCRUL) you could refer here on the Technical document
Also incase you haven’t kindly do a search on the functional docs available within application document help.
Also feel free to browse IFS documentations via

Best Regards,


Hope this issue is solved.

I tried the same in Aurena and it worked for me. May be it is access issue for user.


Hello @GayanD 


on which window has your screenshot been taken ? is it on “close accounting periods” or on “user group per periods” ?



