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Hello Community,

We are using IFS Applications APP 10-UPD 15 version. Currently we are trying to Automate AP processing and decided to use E-invoicing with PEPPOL to receive all our supplier invoices. But we are not quite sure what is the setup needed in IFS Applications in order to process the PEPPOL einvoices/xml files we receive from the Access Point. Really appreciate if you could let us know the steps or some guidelines as to how we should do this setup in IFS.

Hi RoshanF 


To use PEPPOL for now one need to use an operator, approved for OPEN Peppol community.  You will need to use the IFS Standard message FINVOICE  to send or receive Invoices, your Operator will need to transform the invoices to and from PEPPOL. Hopefully IFS will Transform to the PEPPOL standard in the future.



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