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We rarely use retention in sales contracts, but have recently done so, and in a recent claim via AFP, found that the system had calculated retention on lines that had already been 100% claimed.  Overall the number works, but for the individual lines, it is not correct.  I cant send that data to the customer.

Can anyone explain this process to me?  please?


Hello Jonesly,


Two questions:

  1. Are you using default retention fields on the default tab of the sales contract? (see below screenshot)


  1. Are you aware of Item Retention Override % field on the Item No row? (shown below)


The reason I ask is that you could maybe have 0% default on your default tab and only apply the % retention on the particular lines you need to hold back?

Having it at the default tab will apply the retention % to all lines irrespective if they have been claimed or not - just something to bear in mind.

Have a look at these settings and see if you can use this as a workaround. 



