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We need have different Supplier Invoice Series depending on if the invoice is in positive or negative. 

This is for our Spanish company that needs this in order to report SII correctly. 

Does anyone know how to setup such solution?  


You can create different series and select them on invoice window. But to check based on value on the amount, I think you need to create an event for it. When saving invoice if the amount is less than 0 you can check fire an error message for it.

Hope this helps

Thank you for the answer. 

I'm not sure about IFS Cloud. But in IFS APPS 10 there is no such function or setting to do this.

Maybe a event is a good idea. 


From my expertise with SII, we never had the need to do so.

We use the combination between Supplier Invoice Type and Tax Codes for create what we need.

Maybe an event to prevent that users forget to change Invoice Type.


