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Dear All,

When i try to read an extrernal CAMT 053 file I first get a information message see below.


After that i get the message:


I've defined the following things in IFS

  • BIC
  • Payment Formats message codes 
  • Payment methodes
  • Extrernal Payment parameters

I'm using a MIxedpayment

Is there a limit on the lines of a bank file and where can i find some more detail about why the unpack doesn't work?


How do you try to upload the file? Is it from External File Assistant?

Normally CAMT053 file need to be placed in Server In folder to upload as it is a XML file handled through Application Messages.


Yes i'm using the External File Assistant.

Okay but can it be done with External File Assistant.

First want to this this process before testing the polling function 





Hi Raymond,

It is not possible to upload the camt.053 or camt.054 file via external file assistant since it is a XML file.

You have to load it to the application via IFS connect. That is by coping into Application server IN folder (depending on your File Reader mapping).

Best Regards

