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Apps 10

Customer Invoice stuck in Printed status

Customer Invoice Posting Analysis details:

ORA-20105: Invoice.ACCERROR1: Error (numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "PRIN1APP.LEDGER_ITEM_I_EVI", line 1
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PRIN1APP.LEDGER_ITEM_I_EVI') occurred while booking Invoice CD 219736.

It means that one of the values in one of the fields that is being transferred to the invoice (from the order) is over-running the size of the field.  It can be tricky to locate which one.  Eliminate the custom fields first if there are any, then look at the text fields - especially customer name or any fields that might have been copied or imported when making the customer order rather than typed in manually.


It is a field level data error, just not a straightforward one.
