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Hello to the community, 


I am using MHS to send customer invoice to my customer in an intercompany scenario; both supplier and customer company are on IFS.


I am getting this error message when sending the customer invoice


Do you know by any chance what does it mean and what can be done to tackle it? 




@MelTanyaS  I believe the error might come from printing the invoice/layout. Could you try to print a work copy of the invoice and see if you’re successful in doing so? 

Hello @Marcel.Ausan,


I am able to print the work copy, i previewed it. Since i was able to, does that means that it is linked to layout or not ?


Thanks a lot :) 


Hello @Marcel.Ausan,


I am able to print the work copy, i previewed it. Since i was able to, does that means that it is linked to layout or not ?


Thanks a lot :) 


If you could preview the Customer Invoice Layout, then the error is not from the layout. Does this happen for all interco relations? Of just between these 2 companies? 

Okay thanks for helping :) 


these are the 2 companies setup for Intercompany workflow for now; company A and B are both suppliers and customers at the same time. When sending customer invoice from A to B it works but from B to A, I have this error message. 


If you think of any other possible reason for this system behavior, do not hesitate to revert back




@MelTanyaS I’ve been reading the error message better this time and it says that the password for the keystore (used for signing documents) is incorrect. This has to do with the middleware. If you’re in an IFS hosted environment, then pls raise a ticket with support. If your environment is hosted remotely, then you would need to check this with the technicians administering the environment.
