
E-INVOICE sent to wrong company

  • 7 December 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 7
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  • 552 replies



do you have experience about E-Invoice? our IFS is set up with multiple companies, company 21, 31 is one of them. 

We have an E-INvoice from corporate ABBYY system, i can see it in XML is sending to company 21, but it shows up in company 31 supplier invoice pool. just wondering why, how to resolve this issue? 

BTW, company 21 was barely used for E-INVOICE, missing setup?

Thank you.

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

@ronhu  based on what I could find this is the logic used to do the matching:


Identification of Customer Company
When receiving a supplier invoice we will find the Customer Company with the following rule:
1. The field BuyerPartyIdentifier should be matched to the Association Number of the company.
2. If more than one match or no match, DeliveryOrganisationTaxCode should be matched to the Tax Identity Number of the company.
3. If more than one match or no match, BuyerIdAtSeller should be matched to Our ID at Supplier, column Our ID in the Supplier window - tab General.
4. If more than one match or no match, BuyerIdAtSeller should be matched to the actual Company ID.
5. If more than one match or no match, check if SellerIdAtBuyer contains a value. If it does, use that value as the actual supplier id and check if this supplier id exists for only one company. If that is true, use that company.
