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customer transaction report difference

  • 3 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi all,

Our accounting department came up with difference on the report which is ifs’s standard customer transaction report(pdf).

The report that I had a bit chance to review details and noticed that an advance invoiced was matched 2 payment separately.(currencies: invoice usd, payment usd, company eur)

The transactions probably proceeded as follows: IFS converted invoice currency into company currency and calculated difference due to rounding. Then posting control pp13 worked and added line for the amount of difference. (fx gains)

I think the report shows wrong value and wonder that someone might have experience similar problem. It should have shown as 418,12 instead of 418,14. There might be another difference.

ps: For related account gl opening and closing report is not showing any difference.

Here is the gl voucher details:

Thanks in advance,


You can find this problem by analyzing the SQL queries returned in the report.This PDF report must be packaged with .RPI extension

Hi @asahin,

Thanks for answer. Yes, I did it and found that a bug probably caused such a differences. So, I’ll report to IFS instead of update couple fields on db.
