
Customer Offset Tracking

  • 31 July 2023
  • 2 replies

Badge +1


I have a customer offset that has been partially completed leaving a balance outstanding however it appears that a further offset was done against the same receipt but I cannot locate it.  Is there a way to see all offsets/allocations against a particular receipt?


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18


You should be able to see the customer analysis screen.  In that screen you can then see the bottom of the screen, using the search in context and search for that record. 

The customer analysis screen. if you choose to show all records can show the history of invoices, credits, payments etc. for a given customer. 

For example, if looking for a CUPOA you could see the payment ID that created the CUPOA. You can also see what other payment ID’s used the CUPOA.     The payment ID will then include all things used within that payment (credits, invoices, cash, write off, and other).  

Select the option to Seach in context lower section to filer only on that recod. You can then see ± type cash for that record. 

Best regards


Userlevel 5
Badge +8


Assuming that you refered to a ledger item ( Invoice or any other) as receipt in your question, I would like to add this comment. 

If it is Invoice, you want to see the all the payments that have been done aginst that invoice. Then you can see the susequent offset transactions as well.

You may navigate to AR Customer Invoices Analysis, serach for the relevent invoice and then select the RMB option - “ Payments per Invoice”.

This specific RMB option is avilable from many of our AR analysis. Even in Customer Analsyis, you would find this option. So if your ledger item is not an invoice first select the relevent item and use the RMB option in customer analysis window. That is “ Payments per Invoice/Pre payments”

I hope this is the easiest way to find the all payments that have been done against a specific invoice or any other ledger item.

Hope this would help you to clear your concern.

Best regards,

