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While processing the Customer direct debit , i am getting error message -- CD-1239999 is blocked for Direct debiting.

we followed the steps.

  1. First I go to Customer Payment Proposal screen
  2. I right click and select Create Direct Debiting Proposal
  3. Fill  the details.
  4. Once I press OK the collection should process and create a file for me to Acknowledge and then create an order with
  5. Instead I get the below error message where I have to then block the mentioned invoice for collection but when checking each of the invoices they should all be allowed so I don’t get why they are being blocked by IFS??

CD-1239999 is blocked for Direct debiting.




Please go to customer invoice window and query for the given blocked invoice.

RMB and select instalment plan and discount.

Check whether this check box is selected. (check whether you can unselect it and save)



It can happen if the given payment term is blocked for direct debiting.

Hope this helps.


Shehan Almeida.

Thanks @Shehan Almeida