Currency code change will not reflect in F voucher
Issue: Currency code change will not reflect in F voucher.
Accounting currency: GBP
Parallel currency: NOK
Test steps:
Create instant invoice from NOK currency.
Save the header of instant invoice.
Change the currency code to USD.
Save the header of instant invoice.
Add a invoice line and save.
Print the invoice.
Observe the F voucher. You can see that currency amount and parallel currency amount have different amount.
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Hello @Ishara
Currency amount represent the currency value in the invoice currency, which is USD in your case. Parallel currency amount represents 3rd currency, which is NOK in your case.
Unless currency rates for USD and NOK are the same, the amount will always differ.
I have repeated your test steps in Cloud 23R1 and everything looks okay to me.
Parallel currency base is accounting currency in my company setup.
Can you please share a screen shot of your error and describe what you expect to have?
Hi @gumabs
Thank you for the attending this concern. Here I want to highlight the currency conversion factor.
NOK currency - 100
USD currency - 1
Here I attached the screen shot of last step.
Thank you
Hello @Ishara
Now it looks clear. The conversion factor is not considered (updated) when you change the currency code on the header, obviously. I think you must create an incident ticket to support team.