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Our 12 offices have just upgraded form UPD4 to UPD7 and just found out that in UPD5 that a change was made on the Business Opportunity Line that the cost cannot be changed on an inventory item.  Once IFS recognizes the part, the cost is pulled and the user cannot change it.  Has anyone else run into this where it is a show stopper for your organization?  Our costs can vary depending on the source, depending on the quantity ordered or any deals we may have with certain customers.  So it’s common practice for us to adjust the cost for our parts.  Just curious if we are alone with this obstacle.  Thanks

So how are these changing costs reflected in the financial part. So cost makes part of the value of the inventory. Changing the cost at line level is in my opinion problematic towards finance. Or am I thinking the wrong way?


Thanks for your response Steve.

Our customers do a lot of sales directly from the factory and the same item can be sold to us at a different cost depending on the scenario…...costs can vary when purchasing a large quantity, if the order is expedited,  or there may be a special deal with certain customers, etc.  We don’t necessarily purchase ‘inventory’ and put the parts on the shelf and then sell out of our stock all of the time.  So this is a big issue for our users.  But this change has been implemented since UPD5, so I think we will have to figure out something custom.  Thanks again!

Hi, We had a problem with this as we used Non-Inventory Sales Parts on a Business Opportunity line. We had to replace with a Custom Field to pull into reports.
