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I hope you can help me with your experiences.

We would like to create more than one correction invoices, linked to one Customer order. (this credit notes are linked to monthly Sales of customer and some additional promotional activities, which will be financed by us.

Is there any solution how we could create such Credit notes?

Thank  you in advance for any suggestion.


Perhaps negative charge on customer order is a solution for you? 


Hi Adam,

Can I do that if customer order is closed already?

Cos the thing is, that on customer order we issued customer invoice, without any charges.

Then after one months customer send us request for additional discount (cos of some marketing activities) just for quantity they sold in previous month (f.e. invoice qty 100pcs, additional discount for 15 pcs). And each month they will sell new qty, they will request for new Credit note.


How we add negative charge to customer order? I have never did this.



