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Copy Posting Controls and Details

  • 14 December 2022
  • 6 replies


Does any one has script that can copy Copy Posting Controls and Details from one company to another?




6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16


Do you need script for that purpose? 
It is very easy to create Data migration jobs of type Replication… With just few clicks.

All you need is to precise in Where condition posting types you need to copy, and indicate target company or companies. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +8


I do not know if you have this in IFSAPP9, but in IFSAPP10, simply RMB on any posting control and select Copy to Companies for the RMB menu.


Userlevel 7
Badge +18


First choice would be to use the above functionality (shown below) - data synchronization. I don’t remember if it was released in apps 10 or apps 9.   I’m kind of thinking this came out in apps 10. 

My second choice would be external files.  You could / would create three file types, posting control, posting control detail, and possibly the specification details.    This is my second choice as If you’ve done this before it may take a few minutes to create the file types.  It’s quick / easy and re-useable. 

Migration Job is my third choice mainly because I can create a new external file type and template in about 1 minute.  Migration Job takes me a few minutes / more per migration job.   Still a very good tool, for me external files are simply much easier / faster to set up. 

Downside is the ability to create new external files types is no longer available in the Aurena client. 

Best Regards 

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Thomas Peterson 

I tried the suggestion mentioned by you but I hit an obstacle. I did an export of posting control successfully and when I try to import again I think the parameters related to importing is not defined correctly and I'm unable to do it. Would you be able to guide me on how it can be done?

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

When you created the external file types, did you make sure to check the box regarding input as an option. By default, a new external file type (using the create file type and template from a view option) only creates a output file type. You need to check the box for input also.   if new to external files, this is a frequent omission. Its quick to start over / create new. I saw someone working for over an hour trying to fix what was created (output only). A new file type takes a minute to create. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Thomas Peterson 

Thanks for the tip. It is really useful.

I created an output and when I try to input same data to same system for testing purpose, I'm getting error like below;


are there further attributes I should consider ( Not allowed or NotAllowed ) both are not working...…
