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Company Rate Type error during Cash Flow Forecast Creation

  • 14 July 2020
  • 2 replies

In Apps 10:


I have eliminated all but USD (rate type 1) within the Company (USD is the only currency used), ISO and currency rates.  When attempting to create a cash flow forecast, I continue to see this error:

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  :)


I do not have a functional knowledge in this area. However when I look at the behaviour of the RMB, it seems that first you have to enter a record in this window, then select the record and execute the RMB. Otherwiser "Company Curreny” is not passing to the PL/SQL method and hence system gives an error.

Best regards,




When you create new Forecase ( “+” or F5) it fetches the default Normal currency rate type based on Company For Currency

I think in your case a Company is not fetched there.


The company fetched here is the Global Company selected. Go to Change Global Company and check whether you have any company selected there.

Also check whether there is a default currency rate type for that Company

