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Dear IFS-Community,

I got a 100% bad debt and declared it as well with the bad debt management.

As you can see the bad debt is existing and IFS also says that there´s a “adjustment of value”

I checked the posting control too and it works fine. 

My problem is, that I still have an open position / open item on the customer analysis:

The 952€ are still an open item and are included in the customer´s balance

And furthermore the bad debt value is included in the balance to pay from the customer and also it´s present in my reportings.

Is there any function I forgot to use so that the open position disappears correctly?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


Once it is known that the invoice will not be paid and it’s 100% bad debt, it should be written-off to remove it from open items. 


You can do this through mixed payment with a 0 value payment line, matching it with the invoice and adding the full invoice value in the Write-off column.


  • This requires the user performing the action to have a write-off limit allowed that is larger than the invoice value (to set this up, go toWrite-Off Codes window and RMB to User Limits per Write-Off codes)
  • Additionally, this is also usually done using a special write-off code which is used as the control type in posting control to send it to the correct account. The write-off code used will drive the tax treatment of the invoice also (whether the tax element is also written-off or not is driven by the setting “Write Off  Taxable” setting against the writewrite-off). 

@Ieva Rituma thank you for your fast and detailled answer!


Is it necessary to set an account for this mixed payment process? And if yes, which one should I choose?

Thanks in advance for your help! :-)
