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Hi Team  - I am facing a very typical issue. The value which should be displayed in percent like xx.yy% are getting displayed as 0.xx Example 88.77% is getting displayed as 0.8877 and 20% is displayed as 0.2. Please suggest a remedy to resolve this

Hi @sood33 ,

In which windows Application displays Percentage values as decimal values?




Hi Akila - It is in Project Navigator and all other windows also where the ratio is displayed.

Hi @sood33 , Would you be able to share a screen shot of the window you are referring? Since Standard % fields does not have the behavior you mentioned.



Hi Akila,

Please note the following. It shows 1 instead of 100.


Hi @sood33 ,

I believe this is not something related to basic data setup or any kind of data setup in IFS Application. This might be caused from the IFS framework or Regional settings in your PC as all the numeric setup are taking from there. Is this issue occurring for every IFS user or Only you?

IFS technical person may be able to help with this issue. 

@dsj you have any idea regarding this issue?


