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Have cancelled the matching on a mixed payment however it has not reversed as I would have expected.

The payment is now not showing on the customer account, but is showing as a separate entry on an aged creditor list.

How can I rectify this mixed payment (I am now unable to cancel the mixed payment) to show on customer account and not on the separate age creditor line?

Hi @SMcLees,

Normally ‘Cancel Matching’ function will create the parked payment (PP10) instead of invoice matching (IP2). You can use this parked payment to match with correct invoice. 

Best Regards



As @Narmada said, “Cancel Matching” function in Mixed payment is equivalent of “Partial Rollback” in case of manual payment - and it creates Parked Payment (Customer or supplier - depending on Mixed Payment transaction type). 
Parked customer payment is unidentified - it does not apply to any customer. It should be used for matching with customer invoice. If no invoice is available and you still want to see this payment as customer payment on account (identify the customer), you should use Customer payment window creating zero-value customer payment to close parked payment and create new payment on account for specific customer.

Hello @Adam Bereda

I face the same issue but i did not understand your suggestion.

How to match this payment with 0 value payment ?

I do not get it

It is simple - you should create new customer payment with 0 value.
It should have two transaction lines:
1. closing parked payment (use Select Batch to fetch relevant item)

2. creating new paymen on account on specific customer (line with opposite amount to the line 1, with customer indicated and without any invoice matched)
