When you say - approved the voucher - is the external voucher already created status? If it isn’t, then in external voucher basic data there is a setting saying it can be changed after status loaded (or it can be removed altogether and re-uploaded).
In which version is this question relevant for? Because after a voucher has been sent to the GL it can be cancelled through an RMB in the GL Voucher Details window.
Definitely in apps 9 and 10 you can change lines (Voucher Postings tab) in a voucher in Not Approved status from the Voucher Entry window.
You cannot delete the voucher entry once it is created.
However, you can update the voucher to the GL and go to the Voucher Details and Cancel it. This will create a reversal voucher automatically.
Hope this would help.
Once the manual voucher is approved and updated to GL, you can go vouchers Analysis screen query for voucher RMB on the voucher and select cancel. It will create the reversal or correction entry based on company setup.
It works in IFS 8 ,9 and 10, didn't tried in 7.5.
Mukesh Gupta
Thank you! That worked. Went to GL Voucher analysis and RMB to cancel it. I like the voucher reference it adds as well. Perfect. I’m in version 9 - I don’t believe we had this in version 7.5 so good new feature. As a work around we would copy voucher / reverse values but then no reference like using this cancel feature.
The voucher was already posted / just not approved so couldn’t make changes to it as it was uploaded via external voucher upload (did try that first),
Appreciate the responses!
what to do if the Manual voucher is in “not approved” status??
and I want to cancel that voucher entry!
An external voucher once in voucher entry can’t be canceled or deleted or edited. The posting rows would be similar to other system generated values and you can’t edit or delete. If you see the posting lines they are marked as External - can’t change these.
You can make a copy of the voucher as a reversing entry. I believe the easiest way is update to GL and then copy GL Voucher like you did previously. Another option is to use the copy voucher in hold table. The results are nearly the same. The voucher must go to GL at this point.
The IFS expectation is that the external voucher would have been reviewed in the external voucher process. After we (the client) is fully familiar with external voucher and the data flowing into external voucher - we automate the check and create. After this point in understanding / knowing the data, the need for rollback is minimal.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,