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When you try to Cancel and Create an existing Manual Supplier Invoice which is in PostedAuth status there’s a message that appears informing the user that they are not authorized to cancel the invoice.

It seems that in statuses other than PostAuth that the Cancel and Create functionality is available.

Can anyone confirm that this is the case?






It depends on the further connection to a payment.




I was able to cancel a supplier invoice that was postauth.  It seems it may be an access or voucher authorization issue for your user.



Check the authorize invoice for payment. User needs to be in that authorization list tobe able to cancel invoices. 


I was able to cancel a supplier invoice that was postauth.  It seems it may be an access or voucher authorization issue for your user.



Hi Christy - Thanks so much for your reply, it’s much appreciated!


Check the authorize invoice for payment. User needs to be in that authorization list to be able to cancel invoices. 

Andreas is right. Cancelling supplier invoice in PostedAuth status, you are removing authorization for payment, which means you have proper authorization: be an invoice authorizer or superior (direct or indirect). 

I hope it is clear for you.



Many thanks to all who replied to my post - it’s much appreciated!

In this case it was determined that the user was in fact using the Cancel and Create functionality and that the issue of the generation of the not authorized message was connected to one specific invoice in the system.



We just stumbled upon this issue - functionality is that you can’t cancel a supplier invoice with Status = PostedAuth UNLESS you are the “Authorizer ID” user.  This field on man supp inv is defaulted in from the Supplier record (un-editable if postedauth) and the list of authorizers are defined in the “Invoice Payment Authorizers” admin screen.  This is not as bad as it sounds because you can define an authorizer hierarchy in this screen using the ‘Superior Authorizer’ field.  This allows you to have multiple authorizers that can cancel postedauth invoices if the primary ‘Payment Authorizer ID” defined on the Supplier>Invoice>General screen is out of the office.


Hope this helps,  Tombo
