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Business Reporter - Displaying Function Parameters

  • 8 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I am creating a BR where I have a requirement to display the output from an advanced Function Parameter in the report.

I am aware that with Simple Parameters, you are able to drag and drop those items onto the report in Design Mode.
However, the same is not possible for Function Parameters.

How can I display the output from these on the report?


I am not sure if there is an existing functionality to cater this requirement. Anyway, another way of achieving this is to

  • Drag and Drop a standard parameter (value or name) to the Excel sheet . 
  • Click on the cell
  • Edit the Parameter Name in the Formula Bar

For an example, if the standard parameter name is YearStandard, the formular bar will be like this.


If the function parameter name is YearFunction, what you can do is to change the name to


This way you can show the value or name from the function parameter. Just check if you can show the values this way.

Best Regards,

