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we are trying to set a basic budget control for projects. The primary objective we want to achieve is, in relationship to a project, to stop a purchase requisition or a purchase order when their cost exceeds a predefined budget. 

I’m looking into how to create budget in Forecasting Module: selecting the project > creating forecast > choosing Cost Estimated on activity level and keeping the EAC Recalculated. After confirming and approving, I set the forecast as active budget. Then I enable budget control for the single project.

Setting rules (in Project Budget Control Rules List window) I decide on which cost element the budget should apply.

I would like to know, at this point is the budget already working? On which cost is the budget having control (Committed Cost/Used Cost/Actual Cost/..?) ? Is there a visual alert if a user attempts to exceed the budget? 

I don’t have the possibility to make proper tests right know, so that’s why I’m asking.

Thank you,



Hi Paola,

As long as you have also defined a Consumption Point for your company in the Budget Control screen, I think that should be all you need.

Depending on the Consumption Point defined, the user will get an error if the budget would be exceeded when carrying out the corresponding function. As an example, if your Consumption Point is set to ‘Create Pur Ord Line’, then the user would get an error if they try to convert a requisition to an order if this would make the cost exceed the budget.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
