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Dear all,


Is there a way to simply mark invoices so that they won't be involved in a Reminder propoal?

I've seen that you can set the Reminder Blocked unitil in the window Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice. 
Unitl the date set ismn't passed invoice will be excluded from a Reminder proposal.

Is there a posibility to set this field in an other way?

Or is there an other way to mark invpoices that they won't be involved  in a Reminder Proposal?

I know that I can Exclude them when I've made the proposal but then I've to do that every time I've made a proposal. That's not what i want. 


you can define Reminder Template with parameter Create Reminder = FALSE.

This template you can connect to customer as default reminder template or you can connect this template to any invoice in window Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice.

Best regards,

Adam Mazurczak

Hi Adam,
Thank you for your reaction.

in the window Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice you must set it Inovice by inovice.

Is there also a way to adjust it for multiple invoices at the same time?




I’m afraid you can to do it only one by one.