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Is there any Basic Data Template available for Financials. Kindly let me know.



In what sense?

That would depend on what country you are in, what regulations and requirements you are operating to, what things are automated versus manual, how the business is run….in essence lots of things.  For finance basic data, I’ve never found anything that just applies to any company, it has to be setup specific to the business, so a template wouldn’t be that helpful I don’t think.

That would depend on what country you are in, what regulations and requirements you are operating to, what things are automated versus manual, how the business is run….in essence lots of things.  For finance basic data, I’ve never found anything that just applies to any company, it has to be setup specific to the business, so a template wouldn’t be that helpful I don’t think.

That’s what I was eluding to in my “in what sense?” comment…… :wink: thank you for detailing my thoughts ShawnBerk

A fiancials template is a very sweeping statement. 

There is of course, company templates which are used to create companies that contain a lot of financial basic data that sits within AP, AR, FA, GL and ACCRUL, however, you need to have the template ready before creating the company to make use the first time around, and that requires understanding of what all the data fields represent, how they function, what they impact, etc.

During IFS implementations, we use a scope tool that generates all the necessary basic data requirements that gives you the means to know what/where is needed to be setup. This is effectively your financials basic data template, but not in a form that can be inputted into IFS directly, if that is what you are asking for.