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We are looking to use the Bank Reconciliation process where we upload from our bank the cashed checks so we can mass “cash” them.   Our daily files could be quite large.    When we test this process and let’s say want to remove the bank statement due to an error, it’s telling us we need to unmatch each check first one at a time!   This would be very time consuming!   I remember testing this in version 7.5 and pretty positive I could just remove the whole thing without performing this function.  Does anyone know of a way to remove the bank statement in version 9 without having to go to each line to unmatch?   I may just be missing something in set up.   Thank you in advance! 

Question regarding functionality - is there an option to only upload cashed checks rather than uploading the statement?


Thank you!


Did you trying selecting all matched transactions by dragging the mouse and select Undo matching in RMB option available in Bank Transactions section?

Kind Regards,


Yes when you do the RMB option to remove bank statement you get a follow up pop up error box that says “It is mandatory to Undo Matching for all matched transactions before removing a Bank Statement”.   Meaning we have to manually uncheck each row first which is the issue we are having and why I asked the question.    I asked IFS as well and there doesn’t seem to be a way around this which seems ridiculous.  If you have 200 checks you are cashing / reconciling you have to undo each manually first. 


Thank you for the response!


Did you try the Right Mouse Button Option (RMB) “Remove Bank Statement” in Automatic Transaction Matching window header?

Kind Regards,

