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Dear Team,


Is there a way to automate the posting proposal authorization?


Best regards,




You can have automatic authorization for postings created from Purchase Order matching 

check the below parameter



Shehan Almeida.

Hi Shehan,


This is something related to intercompany transactions and there’s no any POs. So, it this function available for non PO cases as well?


Best regards,


Hello, Thakshila,

While automatic authorization of postings coming from purchase order does make sense, because authorization of expense happens in fact when PO is released, in case of postings created manually automatic authorization would mean simply that nobody is checking and accepting expense. 
If posting proposal functionality is in use, we want to maintain authorization workflow in the system, and exceptions would introduce risk of frauds. 

I think that’s why manual postings must be authorized in proposal manually and, as far as I can tell, there is no automation.

Perhaps you can imagine some kind of custom event overriding this,  but I would not recommend it.
