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I am wondering if anyone has streamlined the manual entry of supplier invoices (non-PO) using an import function to reduce the time spent entering multiple supplier invoices individually? For reference on what it is I am trying to do, we use an external software for employee expenses, some are reimbursable so would be paid out to them, that are “coded” to an account, department, and (optional) type. Once we have determined where the expense(s) need to be coded, they are then manually entered into IFS individually. I am wondering if it is possible to dump a spreadsheet with the supplier ID, coding, and amount to speed up the process?

*Do note there are oftentimes multiple lines per one invoice and also there are subscriptions that would need to be period allocated.

Thank you for any and all advice and help!

There are standard External File Templates/Types that you can use to load supplier invoices.  We do this when it makes sense.  I started using the the STDSIN1 File Template as a guide (we use Posting Proposals) and created a new template on the standard File Type ExtSuppInv.  You’ll have to figure out what will work best for how your company enters invoices.

Multiple lines/posting lines are no issue - we don’t use any period allocations so I can’t really comment on how that might/might not work.
