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I am new to IFS, my company uses a very old version of IFS...7.5


We are changing banks and I need to add a new GL account and set it up to be able to post supplier payments out of both of our bank accounts, the new and the old.


I have searched everywhere that I can think of but I cannot find instructions to do this. I think I have figured out how to add the GL account to the chart of accounts, I have set up a Cash Account and a payment method, I have added a posting control to to hit the correct GL account for the new Cash Account, and I added the Payment institute.


I am able to Create the payment proposal, and then the payment order, but when I create the check payment the “OK” is grayed out so I cannot select it…


I also tried to do a mixed payment using the new account and got an error that I could not use this account in manual postings. Obviously I set something else up wrong.


Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.




After you setup the Payment Institute, did you RMB and setup the Payment Methods per Institute?

First thing I can think of checking…. as it is easily overlooked.


Hi Debbie,

It seems that check number is missing. Please go to Payment Documents basic data window and select supplier check payment. Make sure you have correctly connected your cash account to your check series. I assume you are using automatic check number series.

You might already know that you cannot issue a supplier check via a mixed payment.(only customer check payment can be recorded). You were referring to an error in mixed payment. This is a sub ledger clearing and there can't be any involvement of manual posting. I am bit confused about the error you are referring.

Best Regards 



Thank you both very much.


Yes I did set up the Payment Methods per Institute.


I noticed that the check number was missing and I tried to enter it manually but that didn’t work. When I go in Payment Documents Basic Data, these are my options…


Do I need to set up another Document Series ID? Or can I somehow correct the Cash Account to not default to BANK? I have two checking accounts (called BANK and CHASE) and want to be able to choose which one the payment is made out of.


As far as the mixed payment reference, I was taught to use that process when I transfer money from one bank account to another. That is what I was doing when I go the error that that I could not use the new cash account in a manual posting.


Thanks in advance for any ideas you may have…




Yes, you need to specific new check document series for use with new bank account you have created.

And new GL account you have created and connected in PP1 posting type and new cash account is definitely a ledger account, so it cannot be used in Mixed payment in Direct Cash Transaction. I guess you wanted to book transfer of cash from one account to other one, but in version 7.5 (without some local pack, e.g. Indian one) you simply cannot do it in single mixed payment. You need two: one on source cash account, with outflow (negative amount) transaction (Direct cash, posted to Bank Transit /clearing account) and one on receiving cash account, with inflow (positive) transaction with same posting as in previous case.