Hi Team,
I need to validate the bus number against the registration number. So, I was using the below query. The issue is that when I add an integer value to the bus number field, the registration number gets populated, but I also want the registration number to be shown when I enter a string value in the bus number field then also registration no should populate in mobile application.
below find the reference of query and mobile screen attachment. I want the result to be like the second screenshot. now when my input type is string registration no is not fetching.
var busno = getControlValue("escalation", "user_def5");
var regno = getDBValue(stringFormat("select code_value from global_code_table where code_name = 'IN_AHM_AMT_BUS_NO' and sequence = '{0}'order by sequence", busno ));
setControlValue("ESCALATION","USER_DEF24", regno);