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I’m trying to add a Lookup field for a Global Code on FSM’s UI Designer, however I’m not able to present the description of this field, only the code is being displayed.


Example of the code being displayed in the WebClient:


If I change this field to a ComboBox, the description is displayed as expected.


This is how I have the Lookup Navigation set up in the UI Designer:


Am I missing something?


Thanks in advance for the attention.


Best regards,

João Moura

Hi @JMoura ,

this could be related to the FSM Metadata. Because it says the outcomeof the lookup is a Code Value. Try to create an custom metadata for request and add description to the lookup definition below.

Best regards,


Hi João Moura, 


In addition to sven his comments who are valid. 


There are two ways you can expose fields with a lookup definition defined:

1 - As a Lookup TEXTBOX, values are selected by search dialog. 

2 - As a Combobox, values \ code descriptions are displayes in dropdownlistbox. 


Typically we would use a lookup textbox if there are many lookup records behind, as you dont want to fill a combobox with thousands of items. (it makes it unpractical for the user to select and theres additional screen loading time involved). 


However, a lookup textbox will always display the value as is. the lookup textbox won’t display the description. 


If you want the code description you have to options:

1 - expose the field as a combobox 

2 - if there are too many lookup record involved, continue to show as lookup textbox. 

in addition you can consider to create a child relation to the global_code_table and show the description as a read-only field separately. 


Best Regards,




Hi @Sven Paul and,


First of all, thank you for the clarifications.


I’ve had these fields as comboboxes previously (where the description was presented and not the code_value) but, as you even mentioned, as a best practice given the number of records contained in some of these lookups, tried to change them to lookups in order to improve the user experience but couldn’t get them to show the description, only the codes.


Given your suggestions, I’ll just revert them back to comboxoes for the time being.


Thanks anyway!


Best regards,

João Moura