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UI Designer issues with screen events

  • 3 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Hello FSM community,

I have encountered an issue in the UI Designer of FSM, specifically within the PERSONCALLEXCEPTADD screen.

The problem arises when attempting to add a line into the “Screen Events” -> “Table Events” section. Despite successfully adding a line and subsequently closing the “Screen Events” screen, the added line seems to disappear upon reopening the “Screen Events” window.


Furthermore, the script that I try to add this way to the screen does also not execute.

This issue has been consistently replicable, and I am currently unable to find a workaround. I am reaching out to inquire if anyone else has experienced a similar issue or if there is a known solution to this problem.

With kind regards,


6 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7


Hi Michael,


I am not sure why the issue is happening, but could you check something. in the ui designer go to the screen and then click on the xml editor and then click (CTRL and F) at the same time to bring up the search box. search for ‘before’ see if the client script is getting saved to the screen, but it is not displaying in the view event screen window. I suspect that it is getting saved. However that by itself does not solve the issue. How are you using the screen?




Badge +3

Hello @Morris,

thank you for your response.
Upon reviewing the XML editor, the client script initially was in the XML code when I added it to the "Screen Events". However, after several tries, I noticed that the code vanishes when the “Screen Event” window is reopened or the screen is saved and reopened in the UI Designer. Also manually editing the XML code did not work and the changes disappeared again.
In any case, i could not manage to get the script to run on the screen.

Regarding the screen’s functionality:
It is the baseline screen "PERSONCALEXPTADD" that is called by left clicking on a user on the Gantt Chart and choosing the "Add Calendar Exception" button.
The client script is used to notify users if the newly created calendar exception overlaps with any other exception or appointment.

This script is already operational and functional on the person screen.



Userlevel 3
Badge +7


how are the users navigating to the screen? via a menu or hyperlink?




Badge +3

Hello @Morris ,

i assume its via a hyperlink.
I can not find out how the popup that leads to the lookup is defined in the system:




Userlevel 3
Badge +7


if you can find out how the users are using the screen we might be able to figure a solution. I am guessing they have asked for the client script so it would be helpful to understand how it is to be used.



Badge +3

Hello @Morris,

the functionality that is requested is the following:

This is the "PERSONCALEXPTADD" screen which is accessible through the button in the previous screenshot. Here the users are able to create calendar exceptions, the same as they can do in their “PERSON” screen. 

On “OK” a pop-up should ask the user, if they want to proceed with the creation of the exception if the exception dates overlap in any way with an already present work-task or exception.

On “YES” the exception is created. On “NO” the procedure is aborted.

with kind regards,

