Hi @ganners ,
Could you please share the name of your view? Is it a baseline one or a custom one?
Hi @Chethana
It’s a custom view called CUBIC_PARTSVAN_VIEW but is built like this…
SELECT sb.part_id
, pa.internal_descriptn
, pa.product_family
, pa.product_name
, ISNULL(pr.model_id, sb.part_id) AS model_id
, pa.serialed
, pp.person_id
, ss.serial_id
, pp.place_id
FROM dbo.stock_bin_table sb
INNER JOIN dbo.stock_serial_id ss ON sb.part_id = ss.part_id AND sb.place_id = ss.place_id
INNER JOIN dbo.part pa ON pa.part_id = sb.part_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.product pr ON pa.part_id = pr.part_id AND ss.serial_id = pr.serial_id
INNER JOIN dbo.person_place pp ON pp.place_id = sb.place_id
AND pp.place_relationship = 'FOR_STOCK'
AND pp.location = 'good'
AND sb.usable = 'Y'
WHERE pa.product_name <> 'SWEDEN'
Hi @ganners, to sync a sql view via real time you need to use it together with an actual table so that the sync rule can get triggered when a change happens.
So, in your case you might have to use the stock_bin_table sync rule (probably have to create it new) as your triggering point is ‘moving stock’ and refer/select your custom view data within the related query. But word of caution, due to the baseline way stock transactions developed in mobile, it uses a sql view ‘stock_bin’ with batch delta rather than the ‘stock_bin_table’, it will be bit tricky and can cause your mobile db size to increase.
Couple of other avenues you can try,
- Change the business scenario and use a batch delta sync rule with 1-hour interval
- Using a XML BR when the stock moved via ‘perform_replication_for_tables’ (note: this will have performance impacts because it will keep running for every stock transaction)
- Using extension feature in sync rule screen (this might not be feasible in your use case as there isn’t any actual table getting synced to mobile)
Hi @ganners
Real-time sync rules do not support views.