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Hi Experts,


I need your help regarding the core functionality of the 'FSM Mobile' client’s 'Task Note List'. 
One of the customers (Ericsson) reported the following issue on the PROD environment. 

"The mobile app is showing task notes in what appears to be a random order instead of being chronologically ordered from newest to oldest. The screenshot attached illustrates this, with notes shown in the order - 1 hour ago, 4 hours ago, 2 hours ago, 2 hours ago"

Initially, I carried out a small technical investigation to find out whether there are any configurations or client scripts related to the Task Note list sorting but couldn’t find any related changes as well. 

Could anyone please share inputs of how this sorting mechanism works in the FSM mobile core?


Thank you in advance!




Hi @Danuja,

Is this the same order as they appear in the smart/web client? Where does the top note originate from? It may be that the screen is combining notes from different tables and that could lead to this ordering if the ordering is done prior to the merge and not after to resort.

Are you able to replicate this in a baseline environment?

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Hi, @Lee Pinchbeck Thanks for the response!

Ideally it should appear on both Smart/web client and mobile in chronological order.  So the latest note should be on the top and the oldest one should be at the bottom. But in this case which customer reported, it appears in the correct manner in the web/smart client but not in FSM mobile. Initially, I tried to replicate the same issue on Core, DEV and UAT environments but couldn’t (attached screenshot was taken from the DEV). 

Best Regards,


Hi @Danuja,

Next step to check would be the sync rule for the notes then. This may have been amended to add some sort of customer sort or ordering.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Android App:

Task text list is sorted by modified_dttm but what you’re seeing on the screen is created_dttm. Please try the following steps in the GSE environment and see whether you can recreate the issue in the baseline.

Create few notes

Go back to the oldest note and modify it.

Refresh the screen and see whether you can see the issue.

I’ve only checked the Android code so not sure how this is done in iOS/FSMw.