I have a scenario that for some reason I have not seen before. We prepare a work order and task in IFS Applications 10. Once prepared we release the work task and PSO receives the change and creates a plan and broadcasts that back to IFS Applications. In IFS we see the allocation, and RMB on the allocation and select assign (creating the work assignment). For some reason or another, after about 60 seconds by work assignment is deleted and it’s deleted by SDS. I see the following in the WO Journal :
Work Assignment Status: SAssigned] -> ]]
Earliest Assignment Start: ] -> ]2022-03-21 21:13:28]
Assignment No: e1]
Dataset ID: sPSS]
Scheduling Activity ID: i154870]
Visit ID: s1]
Can someone explain this to me? Not sure I understand why SDS is deleting my work assignments. If I change my work assignment to accepted quick enough, then SDS won’t delete.