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Can we set the visibility of scheduling dataset used in dispatch console? Like I want the dataset of site1 to be visible to site1 users only.

Looked at the dispatch document & find few things related to this but exactly where I have to set it up is not clear. Where can I see the object groups, I have 5 sites, so assume 5 object groups to be created automatically for them? Where can I attach the user with the object group, scheduling workbench does not show any relevant screen.


The document mentions “For every site in IFS Cloud the integration creates an object group in PSO, which restricts the access to resources and activities (i.e., work tasks). Object groups for activities and resources are transferred automatically from IFS Cloud to PSO, but object groups for the PSO users must be set up and granted to the users manually from the Scheduling Workbench.. The user must also be granted access to the dataset itself in PSO.”

Unfortunately not at this point. Have a look at this thread: 


As mentioned in your other question, there is an enhancement request around visibility of datasets in the selector. Potential workaround for 23R1 mentioned there as well.

Regarding the assignment of groups to users, make sure that your logged-in user has the “AdminGroupsView” permission. This will show the Groups tab in the user administration.

Starting in 23R1 only the datasets linked to a site connected to the user will be available in the LOV.

Thanks both of you.
