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We are using rental functionality of IFS Cloud. When we generate the rental transections, UOM comes as Hours. What setup is required to see that the UOM on Cost and Sales lines should be Day not Hours.


For Example:  We commissioned (Start Rental) a Tool on 23-09-2024 13:00 PM and decommissioned (End Rental) on 23-09-2024 18:00 PM

Now we generate the rental transection, the UOM on Cost & Sales line for different scenarios will be as follow: 

(Period Rounding - None) : UOM - 5

(Period Rounding - Daily Rounding) : UOM - 24 ( 24 Hr = 1Day)


For 2nd Scenario, I need the UOM as 1 not 24. Am I missing on some setup or how we can achieve. 

Hi @AccHarprS,

Period Rounding - This is the parameter which indicates whether the whole day will be charged if the rental period starts or ends in the middle of a day.

For example, if the rental starts at 13PM and ends at 18PM, so the total duration is 5 hours. However, if we selected this as a daily rounding, it will be charged as a full day, regardless of ending in the middle of the day. In this case, the entire day would be considered for the charging. If you select this as None then the total charge would be only for 5 hrs and not for the whole day charge.

In this rental management system, you can choose the Rental Duration Unit of Measure (UoM) that best suits your needs, with options for hours, days, or weeks. This UoM can be adjusted at the line level of the purchase requisition for greater flexibility.

When you set the Rental Duration UoM to hours, the system will retrieve both the purchase order details and the corresponding rental workbench lines, ensuring that all relevant information is accurately aligned with your selected rental duration.


Nikila Dissanayake

